How can we help?

Support for companies
in creating security policies

We offer custom made and comprehensive packages of services in the field of security, HR and PR as part of our outsourcing services.

We have created a unique system of training and anti-corruption programs. We design and implement policies and procedures, and on behalf of the client, we handle all the tasks and obligations imposed on entrepreneurs by the so called “Whistleblowers Protection” EU Directive. We take the full responsibility for the ongoing projects and guarantee full discretion, confidentiality and access of companies’ management boards to all information at every stage of the project. We form a team of people with a leader to be responsible to the management board. We will evaluate, train, implement and support the ongoing activities of your company in the field of:

  • Building an internal security policy and procedures for protecting own information
  • Building an ethics and compliance policy (assessments and analyzes, training, implementation, monitoring)
  • Designing and implementing an anti-corruption system in the company (assessments and analyzes, training, implementation, monitoring)
  • Dedicated training in the field of information security and protection, including classified information
  • Implementation of the EU Directive on Whistleblowers Protection (strategies, training, provision of hardware / software and handling of confidential communication channels for whistleblowers, verification of information credibility, whistleblower protection, crisis advisory and crisis PR)
  • Implementation of the internal anti-fraud and money laundering (AML) policy
  • Personal data protection
  • Obtaining an industrial security certificate
  • Personnel consulting and implementation of solutions having a direct impact on the company’s business results
  • Legal procedures and anti-crisis response in the event of contact with investigative and control institutions
  • Support and coordination of legal assistance
  • Access to experts and international trainings in the field of counteracting fraud and money laundering, compliance, whistleblower protections, etc.
  • Legal advice in the field of personal data protection, electronic identification, anti-money laundering, analysis of legal risks of using new technologies (Blockchain, AI)



Comprehensive support service in the area of IT system security audits, counteracting cyberthreats, responding to crisis situations and creating cybersecurity development strategies.

Business intelligence and counterintelligence

Business intelligence and counterintelligence

We provide entrepreneurs with up-to-date analyzes that allow them to optimize investment risk, make the right business decisions and gain a competitive advantage on the market.

Fraud risk management

Fraud risk management

Fraud is a deliberate action of the employees of an organization or their partners, targeted to obtain a material benefit, lower the market position, through deliberately caused losses or to gain market advantage.

Support for companies in creating a culture of ethics and safety, including whistleblowers protection

Support for companies in creating a culture of ethics and safety, including whistleblowers protection

Broadly understood safety and security in a modern company should be based on a system of values, ethical standards and instruments for their implementation.

Company image – media policy

Company image – media policy

The company’s image is no less important than security, regardless of whether the company is experiencing problems or not.


Comprehensive support service in the area of IT system security audits, counteracting cyberthreats, responding to crisis situations and creating cybersecurity development strategies. The IT environment is increasingly becoming the most lucrative target of specialized attacks aimed at information theft, reputational damage, financial fraud or business continuity disruption. Therefore, we assist to efficiently reply to threats related to security in the network, infrastructure, systems, databases, applications, etc., limiting the risk of such events as, for example, hacker attacks, phishing, servers, services or networks attacks( the so-called DdoS), targeted attacks (the so-called Advanced Persistent Threat – APT), etc.

  • System and information security audits
  • Examination of the business process continuity management system and business continuity plans
  • Social engineering tests
  • Audits and specialist training
  • Computer forensics, analysis
  • Reaction to data leaks and external attacks
  • Support in the field of legal analysis

Business intelligence and counterintelligence

We provide entrepreneurs with up-to-date analyzes that allow them to optimize investment risk, make the right business decisions and gain a competitive advantage on the market.

  • Risk analysis, risk identification and neutralization
  • Verification of business partners in Poland and abroad
  • Analysis and processing of information about business activity (competitive intelligence)
  • Due diligence areas
  • Commercial intelligence
  • Determining property components in the country and abroad
  • Protection of trademarks and copyrights
  • Physical and technical protection of facilities
  • Tests of security systems
  • Business counterintelligence (systems for the protection of strategic information)
  • Building a system for the protection of classified information – obtaining certification, accreditation, security clearance for companies in the national, NATO and EU areas
  • Anti-bugging checks and checks
  • Physical and technical protection of persons (including VIPs)

Fraud risk management

Fraud is a deliberate action of the employees of an organization or their partners, targeted to obtain a material benefit, lower the market position, through deliberately caused losses or to gain market advantage. We offer:

  • Audits and internal controls in the areas of fraud
  • Conducting professional internal investigations, information verification, loss estimation, recommendations, support in the preparation of procedural documents
  • Computer forensics with the use of the latest technological tools, including data recovery
  • Advisory in commercial, domestic and international disputes
  • Preparation and implementation of systemic solutions in the area of anti-fraud
  • Support in the creation of corporate governance, that covers the key areas of management and balance the interests of the parties

Support for companies in creating a culture of ethics and safety, including whistleblowers protection

Broadly understood safety and security in a modern company should be based on a system of values, ethical standards and instruments for their implementation. In this area we offer:

  • Ethical audits
  • Strategies for implementing ethical standards in companies and organizations
  • Standards implementation plans, training programs – including e-learning, plans for internal and external communication supporting the implementation of ethical standards
  • Creating infrastructure for the implementation of ethical standards and management of ethical programs
  • Preparation of codes of ethics and accompanying policies (anti-corruption, giving and accepting gifts and benefits, anti-mobbing, diversity)
  • Whistleblower protection (especially in the context of the EU Directive on whistleblower protection), channels for secure transmission of information on standards breaches and irregularities
  • Advisory in the area of identification of ethics and new technologies – threats, risk analysis, ethical standards implementation

Company image – media policy

The company’s image is no less important than security, regardless of whether the company is experiencing problems or not.
Our team of specialists will help to build or improve this image in the media as well as guarantee professional support and creative action in crisis situations.

  • Media liaison
  • Personal branding
  • Media training for members of management boards and press spokesmen
  • Crisis management
  • PR interventions (including combating “Black PR”)

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